Thursday, October 9, 2008

The concept of Private Banking using your IRA Boomer's Bank In investment finance, private equity real estate is an asset class consisting of equity a

By john krol........

History and evolution There is a long history of institutional investment in real estate both through direct ownership of property and through pooled investment funds. Initially institutional real estate investments were in core real estate, however, market conditions in the early 1990s led to the emergence of opportunistic funds which aimed to take advantage of falling property prices to acquire assets at significant discounts.[1] Private equity real estate emerged as an independent asset class in the beginning of the 21st century and has experienced huge growth in recent years. Strategies Private equity real estate funds generally follow core-plus, value added, or opportunistic strategies when making investment's. Core Plus: This is a moderate risk/moderate return strategy. The fund will generally invest in core properties, however some of these properties will require some form of enhancement or value-added element. Value Added: This is a medium-to-high risk/medium-to-high return strategy. It will involve buying a property, improving it in some way, and selling it at an opportune time for a gain. Properties are considered value added when they exhibit management or operational problems, require physical improvement, and/or suffer from capital constraint's. Opportunistic: This is a high risk/high return strategy. The properties will require a high degree of enhancement. This strategy may also involve investments in development, raw land, and niche property sectors. Investments are tactical. Features Considerations for investing in private equity real estate funds relative to other forms of investment Include: Substantial entry costs, with most funds requiring significant initial investment (usually upwards of $1,000,000) plus further investment for the first few years of the fund. Investments in limited partnership interests (which is the dominant legal form of private equity real estate funds) are referred to as "illiquid" investment's which should earn a premium over traditional securities, such as stocks and bonds. Once invested, it is very difficult to gain access to your money as it is locked-up in long-term investment's which can last for as long as twelve years. Distributions are made only as investments are converted to cash; limited partners typically have no right to demand that sales be made. If a private equity real estate firm can't find suitable investment opportunities, it will not draw on an investor's commitment. Given the risks associated with private equity real estate investments, an investor can lose all of its investment if the fund performs badly. For the above mentioned reasons, private equity fund investment is for those who can afford to have their capital locked in for long periods of time and who are able to risk losing significant amounts of money. This is balanced by the potential benefits of annual returns, which are often excess of 20% for successful opportunistic funds. Investors in private equity real estate funds tend, therefore, to be institutional investors or high net worth individuals. Size of Industry The popularity of private equity real estate funds has grown since 2000 as an increasing number of investors commit more capital to the asset class. In 2000 private equity real estate funds raised $12 billion in equity commitments from investors. By 2005 this had increased to $58 billion and in 2007 private equity real estate funds raised a total of $79 billion. Private Equity Real Estate is a global asset class and in 2007, 46% of capital raised was focused on the US, 26% was focused on Europe and 27% was targeting Asia and the rest of the world. By providing online real time services one on one client attention is always in mind. There is a requirement for needed experience to switch to self-directed retirement plans, IRA-401K-Real-Estate can help investors chart a new - and potentially more profitable - course for their retirement years. IRA-401K-Real-Estate finds sound investments for self-directed Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs), KEOGHs, and SEPs fund in real estate trust deeds note support unities in limited partnerships IRA-401K-Real-Estate is one of very few companies to offer expertise in investment real estate for self-directed retirement accounts.IRA-401K-Real-Estate is on top of changes in the fields of IRAs and investing - the principals were among the first to tackle the Roth IRA and the effects it had and is having on IRA -401k investing. Finding Investments for You IRA-401K-Real-Estate, Inc.'s primary service is finding and analyzing real estate-related investments for purchase by our clients. We are investment real estate brokers and have been in business doing this since 2002. In 2002 we started working with IRA clients to assist them in finding appropriate investments in the real estate arena. We find these assets by our network of investment real estate brokers throughout the U.S. (a network built through the Real Estate Cyber Space Society). We meet with these investment brokers online daily. These networking arrangements are with 11,000 brokers, take place in Cyber Space in real time. By being an active member of the Real Estate Cyber Space Society we can satisfy our clients' investment needs no matter how diverse.Our clients give us direction on what it is they would like to purchase; when we find it we do a complete analysis of the investment and forward our due diligence to the respective clients. They can review the information, take it to any other advisors they have and make a decision. If they wish to purchase the product we go forward with the acquisition. If not, we find another for their review. On occasion our clients have requested that they pay our fee on real estate acquisitions and we then work as a buyer's broker. As a free service to our IRA clients who use our investment services, we assist them in finding the correct custodian to service their account. not all custodians are the same and it is vitally important to choose the right one the first time. In Today's world, to make things happen now, we need to be in Real Time Mode for our ClientsAbout the Author:'s-Bank TICThe Investor's Guide toCommercial Real Estate andRetirement PlanningHow to Invest In Commercial Real Estate Using YourIRA or 401(k)Maximize Your Profit and Save ForRetirement .......

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