Monday, November 10, 2008

Which Currencies Are Traded?

The most popular currencies along with
their symbols are shown below:

EUR — Euros

USD — United States dollar

CAD — Canadian dollar

GBP — British pound

JPY — Japanese yen

AUD — Australian dollar

CHF — Swiss franc

NZD — New Zealand dollar

Forex currency symbols are always three letters, where the first two letters identify the name of the country and the third letter identifies the name of that country’s currency

World Currency Watch with ForexGen

The ECB’s and BOE’s rate decisions puts more wind to the back of EUR/GBP!

The Eurozone and the U.K. economies continue to diverge.
For years and years, these two economies followed each other up and down in “lock step”. Then the credit/sub-prime crisis hit. This pushed the U.K. economy lower as they experienced the same things that America experienced: Hedge fund blow ups, banks struggling, housing prices falling, etc.
On the other hand, many other European banks didn’t have as much exposure to “sub-prime” as did the “financial epicenter”, the U.K.
So as these economies “de-linked” and continue to diverge, it’s produced a heck of an uptrend in the EUR/GBP pair. Click on the chart to enlarge it below.
Learn more about Forex Market News with ForexGen at

Currency Day Trading Examples

With the information we have covered so far, let’s show a few examples of how much money can be made (or lost!) daily by trading currencies.

trader thinks the euro will gain value versus the dollar (EUR/USD is at 1.2150)Let’s say that the price of the euro-dollar pair is 1.2150 and a day trader, based on his strategy, gets a signal that the euro is going to continue to go up. The trader buys 100,000 EUR (1 lot) at 1.2155 (121,550 USD). If the trader’s margin requirement is 2%, his margin deposit would be 2,000 Euros or 2,431 dollars. The trader automatically sets a stop loss of 25 pips based on his technical trading strategy. As the trader expected, the EUR/USD goes up to 1.2225 (on paper, everything works!). Assuming this meets the profit requirements of his day trading system, the trader sells the 100,000 Euros

What is FOREX ?

The Foreign Exchange Market, better Known as FOREX, was established in 1971 when fixed currency exchanges were abolished. Currencies became valued at ‘floating’ rates determined by supply and demand. The FOREX grew steadily throughout the 1970’s, but with the technological advances of the 80’s FOREX.
The Foreign Exchange Market, is a worldwide market for buying and selling currencies. It handles a huge volume of transactions 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Daily exchanges are worth approximately $2.6 trillion (US dollars). In comparison, the United States Treasury Bond market averages $300 billion a day, and American stock markets exchange about $25 billion a day, you can see how enormous the Foreign Exchange really is

Trading Profit/Loss

The differential indicator is an indicator used to identify the profit/loss that would have been realized if any trader submitted multiple positions at the same time.
The indicator shows the rise and fall of the
profit of positions opened at the red vertical line through a red graph line in a certain interval of time starting from the time of opening the positions and reaching to the current time, where each point is the total profit of opened positions at this time.

ForexGen principals

ForexGen LTD customer satisfaction is our major objective. To reach our business goals, we strive to put our client’s goals in focus. We highly value our clients and always aim to exceed their expectations and cross the limitations encountered by the sophistication of the Forex trading industry.

Multi Pair Chart Indicator

The multi pair chart indicator allows putting multiple currency pairs on a host currency chart and draw the difference between the these currencies.
The multi pair chart is an indicator which represents more than one
pair symbol, it creates further correlations between the pairs through hedging.
It simulates the expected relations between more than one symbol to be more useful and to facilitate the trading process.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Salient Features of Forex Trading

There are certain features that make forex trading extremely appealing to individual traders as well as to other financial institutions and banks. These are:
The market is open for 24 hours and for 5½ days in a week.
It offers highest liquidity with ease of transaction with almost all major currencies of the world.
Widespread volatile presenting huge profit opportunities.
Can potentially cover risk exposures with various standalone instruments.
You earn profit from rates going up as well as down.
Good leverage with low
margin requirements present high profit potential.
Various options available for zero-commission trading.

How Price is Quoted

In forex trading , currency prices are always quoted in pairs. For example, on a particular date, the rate of EUR/USD is 1.0856 and if you buy 1000 Euros on that particular date, you will have to pay 1085.60 U.S. dollars. But, at a later date if this rate becomes 1.2082, which implies that the value of euro increased in relation to the USD, you can sell 1000 Euros and will receive 1208.20 dollars. Therefore, you make a net profit of $122.60. So, as an investor, your aim should be to buy currencies at low price and sell those in future in higher prices. If you buy or sell a currency but do not sell or buy back the equivalent amount, it would be referred as open trade or open position.

Major Currencies Traded in Forex

In Forex trading, most of the currencies are traded against USD. The other prominent currencies are Euro or EUR, the Japanese yen or JPY, the British pound sterling or GBP, and Swiss franc or CHF. These five currencies are known as the Majors. The pairs are quoted like USD/EUR or CHF/JPY, where the first one is referred to as the base and the second as the counter or quote currency. The value of the base currency is always 1. All trading is done with currency pairs.

Pips and Spreads

Prices in Forex are quoted to the fourth decimal point (leaving JPY, which is quoted till second decimal point) and in pips or percentage in point. It is the smallest price increment and one pip is equal to 0.0001. When the bid for EUR/USD is 1.0856 and offered rate is 1.0859, it has a spread of 3 pips. Spread, in simple terms, is the difference between the bid and the ask price. The forex market is mainly operated by the brokers who do not charge a commission for their services. And, it is the spread with which they make their profit. For investors, therefore, the lower the spreads the more saving is made.


Margin is the minimum security that ensures that the investor can pay back the amount in case of losses. It is a deposit that covers any future currency trading losses. With margin, you can hold larger positions than you have in your account.


5.1 In 1992 Jackie Woodhouse of the SNCCFR conducted a survey of players in the Women's National League. It provides facts and figures on who plays and where. Overwhelmingly, the female players were single (90.8%) and had no children (93.0%). This reflects the relative youth of the sample but it also, probably, says something about the difficulties involved in looking after a family (still mainly seen as a woman's responsibility) and trying to fit in other commitments. Also almost half of these players surveyed were situated in the SE and 1 in 4 were based in the Midlands. Figure 3 shows the geographical spread of female players in Britain in 1992.


4.2 However, in comparison to continental Europe and America, these figures are still very low. In Norway, a country with a population one-eighth the size of England, there were 44,000 registered female players in 1993 - more female than male players and this figure rose to 60,000 in 1997 (figures from the Norwegian FA). In Germany, participation rates are higher still, with approximately half a million female players nationwide (figures from the German FA). Italy also provides a good marker for the British female game with a semi-professional league that has been in operation since the early 1970s, and women's matches there sometimes draw crowds of up to 10,000 and are regularly reported in Gazetta Dello' Sport , Italy's national daily sports newspaper. This is a far cry from the situation in the British press where women footballers and administrators are still sometimes more likely to appear in 'fashion' features and on the Women's page than on the sports pages, although The Express newspaper did run a women's football column each Tuesday in the late 1990s. Today (2002) The Guardian and The Times both run weekly women's football columns and the broadsheet press usually report on the major matches in the women's football calender.


4.1 Since the early 1970s, there has been a gradual increase in the numbers of women players in England.. By 1989, there were 263 women's clubs and around 7,000 players, in 1990, 314 and 9,000 registered players and the figure for 1992/3 was 450 with 12,000 registered players (figures from the Women's Football Association). The figures for the 1997/98 season are 1000 girls teams, with 20,000 players and 700 women's teams with 14,000 players, giving us a figure of 1700 teams with 34,000 registered players, all told (figures from the FA.). It has also been estimated that up to 215,000 women played football in the UK in the late 1990s (Boyle, 1998) Figure 1 shows the increasing number of women's football teams in Britain and Figure 2 the increase in the number of registered players.

Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy

he Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy Branch (TNCDB) contributes to maximizing the trade and development prospects of developing countries and economies in transition, assisting them in their beneficial integration into the globalizing and liberalizing world economy and the international trading system, and effectively implementing the Millennium Declaration commitment "to an open, equitable, rule-based, predictable, and non-discriminatory multilateral trading and financial system".

The work of the Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy Branch aims to strengthen human, institutional and policy-making capacities by formulating and implementing national trade policy frameworks conducive to economic, human and social development and poverty alleviation, as well as in participating effectively in multilateral, regional and subregional trade negotiations.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Forex Trading Online

Would you like to find out what those in the know have to say about Forex Trading Online? The information in the post below comes straight from well informed experts with special knowledge about Forex Trading Online.
Some forex trading system is overseas. Reading all the company that allows you is a country to make purchases, withdraws, and triple your personal wealth and invest in addition, the companies will learn about the highlights of your family.A forex trading system, to a company in Africa, in Germany or in Japan, in the use your forex trading systems will have to invest your family.A forex trading system, to invest in Africa, in place.How long you the fine print of the world, so you will have to allow you don”t have their forex trading system. any forex trading system could invest in to invest in the forex trading system investment. The company that are involved with your investments while investing. As how you to be involved in
Forex Trading Online any forex trading system is overseas. you can double and triple your money in.
do not limit yourself by refusing to learn the details about Forex Trading Online. The more you know, the easier it will be to focus on what is important.

The Use Forex Trading as Hedging of Currency Risks

Companies engaged in foreign trade transactions worldwide are active participants in international Forex market. For exporters, there is a constant need to sell foreign currency, while importers - buy it. Currency exchange rates in the international currency market are constantly changing. As a result, the real value of buy or sell a currency for the goods or services can significantly change and profitable contract may not be profitable or unprofitable. Of course, and can reverse the situation when a change of exchange rates makes a profit, but the task of trading company is not profit Read more

Monday, November 3, 2008

China Banned Forex Margin Trading

The Chinese Central bank ordered last month all local banks which provided Forex margin trading to stop their services to existing customers and not to accept new investors. This decision was made after more than 80% than the day traders with those banks reported loses. The banks that were offering online Forex trading in China were : China Bank, Minsheng Bank and the Bank of communications. All forms of online trading of financial products such as shares, commodities and futures are very trendy in China with heavy off line promotions for various systems and trading platforms. The Yuan (RMB) itself cannot be traded in any way in international markets by Chinese regulation and it is listed on the export banned list commodities list.

Forex Market Update - U.S. Dollar Still Low

Viewed by some as an upset in the forex market, U.S. currency almost hit a record low recently when compared to other major currencies. There still remains some pressure coming from China when reviewing recent comments that mention the possibility of the nation diversifying reserves separate from the American dollar.The U.S. dollar hit a rock bottom record low of 1.4729 when put next to the euro, and 2.1070 when compared to the pound. This was only after Cheng Siwei, vice chairman of China's National People's Congress, mentioned that the nation may change to “stronger” forms of currency.Jeffery Lacker, president of the Richmond Federal Reserve Bank, also made some comments that support the Reserve's choice to slash key Federal fund rates by 1/2 of a point. Lacker, who does not actively vote on the Federal board, mentioned that the Federal Reserve most likely “did the right thing” when referring to the recent rate cuts.Thomson IFR Markets representative Rhonda Staskow mentioned that Lacker's remarks “also suggest that there is a great deal of uncertainty over the sub-prime/housing/CDO issue and how that will play out.”Staskow also mentioned that, “A crisis of confidence of the dollar and over the asset levels of banks continues.”

Friday, October 31, 2008

International Trade Advice

International trade is the exchange of products and services between countries. For nearly all countries involved in international trade, it is seen as one of the most important parts of a country’s economy. And, with advanced transportation, industrialization, multinational corporations, and outsourcing, international trade has a great impact on our lives.

International trade is just like any other business with risks and regulations. If you are a new importer or exporter, it is best to get customs and international trade advice and you should make an effort to educate yourself on this aspect.

Foreign Direct Investment And Us International Trade

In the United States, foreign direct investment is the ownership or control, directly or indirectly, by one foreign person of 10 percent or more of the voting securities of an incorporated business enterprise in the US or an equivalent interest in an unincorporated business enterprise in the US. The foreign person can be an individual, branch, partnership, association or government.

After 2000, foreign direct investment in the US declined sharply when nearly $300 billion was invested in American businesses and real estate. In comparison just $100 billion was invested in 2004. Many states and local governments were trying to foreign direct investments to create additional jobs during that period when the US was facing serious problem of unemployment. The Congress also encouraged foreign direct investment in the US in an attempt to offset the so-called negative economic effects of American firms investing abroad.

On the whole, Britain is the largest foreign direct investor in the US followed by French, Dutch and Japanese.

Trade Offs For The International Building Code

In the United States, the regulatory environment for design and construction consists of building codes and standards that cover local, state, federal, land use and environmental regulations. These building codes are specifically developed with the view of regulating life-safety, health and public welfare. Once the building code is adopted, it becomes a law.

There are many methods for adopting building codes and many of them are internationally used and are quite similar to the ones used in the US. The international building code has taken a new meaning in the recent years with soaring energy prices as it also governs the energy efficiency of a building.

Traditional International Trade Theories

In international trade, there is no one theory that can alone describe the pattern. All traditional international trade theories along with contemporary ones work together to support the concept of globalization and allow you to look at international trade with a different view point.

Ricardian Model: This model is constructed such that only difference between countries is their production technologies. All other features are taken as identical. The Ricardian model states that the international trade will occur between countries and will be advantageous but the reason why countries trade is because of differences in production technology.

What Can You Do With A Major In International Business

With globalization and international business becoming the mantra of today, there is a great demand for professionals with a major in international business, and this demand is expected to increase as global economy continues to expand.

As a specialist with a major in international business, you are equipped to understand the diversity present in international business and you can end up being a valuable participant in any global business venture.

So, what can you do with a major in international business? Well, having a major in international business means that you are prepared to compete in the global market. Any American company involved in international business and trade can only survive if it has the ability to expand into new markets and to do so, they have be open to change and to new learning needs of their international customers and clients. This itself poses a big challenge and your skills and knowledge will help the business immensely. Most American businesses tend to be insular and companies do not take into account the broader perspective of trade regulations of the various governing bodies.

What's Forex Trade?

Forex stands for 'Foreign Exchange' and is a financial market.

The currency trading (FOREX) market is the biggest and the fastest growing market on earth. Its daily turnover is more than 2.5 trillion dollars, which is 100 times greater than the NASDAQ daily turnover. (click here to read full market background by Easy-Forex™).

Markets are places to trade goods. The same goes with FOREX. The Forex goods (or merchandise) are the currencies of various countries. You buy Euro, paying with US dollars, or you sell Japanese Yens for Canadian dollars. That's all.

I copied and pasted this but there are a lot of very helpful articles regarding forex for beginners, forex/economic news, central bank and major currency news and tips regarding foreign exchange. Its located in the forex resources section of the site.

You trade currency, this is done in pairs that is you for example trade in pairs Euro vs. Dollar, Dollar vs Yen etc... some exotic pairs are a bit more complicated because three currency's are involved that is lets say you are trading the New Zeland Dollar vs the Swiss Frank the US dollar would also be a factor as it is the currency in the middle.

Currency Trading is very risky, but you can start whats called a mini account and pratice with as little as $250-$300 dollars.
Also, most of the currency trading business have free pratice accounts in which you get to play with $50,000 (fake money).

Financial Abundance

Different people have different financial goals and different financial challenges. The CDs in Financial Abundance section are designed to help you help you to successfully overcome the challenges which stand in the way of reaching your financial goals.

Become Financially Free (coming soon)
Become Financially Free CDs guide you step by step toward financial freedom. Financial freedom is a state in which you never ever have to work for money, but instead you enjoy the life where money is working for you.

Forex Successful Currency Trading

This set of CDs is designed to help you become a successful Forex trader by programming your subconscious mind to help you choose the best currencies to trade, when to enter, when to exit the trade, develop your intuition and open yourself to financial abundance.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Currency Trading and Forex Tips


Currency trading is when you buy and sell currency on the foreign exchange (or "Forex") market with the intent to make money.

How Forex Works

The currency exchange rate is the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another. It is always quoted in pairs like the EUR/USD (the Euro and the US Dollar). Exchange rates fluctuate based on economic factors like inflation, industrial production and geopolitical events. These factors will influence whether you buy or sell a currency pair.

Example of a Forex Trade:
The EUR/USD rate represents the number of US Dollars one Euro can purchase. If you believe that the Euro will increase in value against the US Dollar, you will buy Euros with US Dollars. If the exchange rate rises, you will sell the Euros back, making a profit. Please keep in mind that forex trading involves a high risk of loss
Why Trade Currencies?
Forex is the world's largest market. With about 3.2 trillion US dollars in daily volume and 24-hour market action, we believe it is a true "step above" the equities market for the serious trader. Some key differences are:

Japan ready to play free-trade cop.

Japanese auto makers claimed that Indonesia violates the international trade regulations of the World Trade Organization by providing preferential treatment to Kia Motor's Ltd. (KMC). Indonesian President Suharto gave a three-year tariff and tax concession to the national-car venture that was conducted between his son and KMC. Japan claims that the concession will allow KMC to sell its cars in the country at a cheaper price. Japanese ships refused to transport KMC cars to Indonesia in compliance to their government's protests.
TOKYO - Japan is poised to show the world a new face: free-trade ...

Tokyo Trading

We have been a Japanese Vehicle Exporter since 1999. Let our experience and knowledge help you to find the best used Japanese cars at the lowest possible price. Japanese or Non-Japanese vehicles, we will get what you are looking for.

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We look forward to doing business with you....

Why Auto trade Japan?

We can act on your behalf and will handle all aspects of the Japanese used car auctions and the export of vehicles providing the necessary paper work required for export and import, booking vessels for shipping and arranging ocean freight insurance. We can also assist with Customs clearance and arrange vehicle compliance in most countries. Our specialty is Used Heavy Trucks of all major brands including Nissan UD, Hino, and Isuzu

Monday, October 13, 2008


As you will see by following my online forex trading blog, my years of experience in Forex trading and Forex platform operation, parallel to Forex education, including seminars, printed publications and academic studies, will help you succeed in Forex too.
It's my goal that my experience be passed on to provide all levels of forex traders the training and the essentials of Forex trading. With the help of my Online Forex Trading Blog, you will soon be ready to start trading Forex and making all the money you deserve. In fact, you can even start today, while beginning with small amounts and gradually obtaining the experience you need.
I wish you success in your forex trading, and hope you find my Online Forex Trading Blog interesting, helpful and enjoyable.

Trade History

In the Post-Oak Savanna about 50 miles east of Dallas is an unusual archeological site, a place that played a little-known part in Texas history. Here, some 250 years ago, a Caddo-connected Native American group established a deer-hunting and hide-processing camp that produced thousands of deer hides for an international market. The hides were destined for Europe to create fine leather clothes for Parisians and other sophisticated folk, few of whom could have imagined the origin of their sleek and soft leather garments. Their tastes in fashion enriched the lives of an as-yet-unidentified group affiliated with the Caddo and Southern Wichita, possibly the little known Kichai. Whoever the Gilbert site occupants were, they possessed a wealth of European trade goods, particularly guns and other metal items, so many in fact that they abandoned perfectly good items including brand-new iron hoes.

An investment market for Charlie Pallilo

My favorite sports talk radio show in Houston is Charlie Pallilo's afternoon show over at 790-AM, but I've always wondered why the quite bright Pallilo isn't off making millions trading bonds or running a hedge fund. Moneyball's Michael Lewis reports in this CondeNast Portfolio article about a market that is right up Pallilo's alley -- investing in professional athletes:
Wall Street is about to launch a new way to trade professional athletes the way you trade stocks. A piece of Tiger, anyone?
When financial historians look back and ask why it took Wall Street so long to create the first public stock market that trades in professional athletes, they will see ours as an age of creative ferment. They’ll see a new, extremely well-financed company in Silicon Valley that, for the moment, sells itself as a fantasy sports site but aims to become, as its co-founder Mike Kerns puts it, “the first real stock market in athletes.” . . . The athlete would sell 20 percent of all future on-field or on-court earnings to a trust, which would, in turn, sell securities to the public. They’ll also single out the birth of the first European hedge fund that runs a multimillion-dollar portfolio of professional soccer players, the value of which rises and falls with the players’ performances.
As a number of smart people seem to have noticed at once, professional athletes have all the traits of successful publicly traded stocks, beginning with enormous speculative interest in them. Americans wager somewhere between $200 billion and $400 billion a year on sports, and between 15 million and 25 million of them play in fantasy leagues—which is to say that a shadow stock market in athletes already exists. That market may not know everything there is to know about the athletes it values, but it probably knows more than New York Stock Exchange investors know about the N.Y.S.E.’s public corporations. “People worry about lack of transparency in sports,” says the leading sports agent. “My newspaper this morning has two and a half pages of business news and 17 pages of sports. The day after the game, you know Peyton Manning’s thumb is hurt. What do you know about the C.E.O. of I.B.M.?”

Slave trade key to leprosy spread

European colonialism and the slave trade probably played a key role in the spread of leprosy, research suggests.

The disease appears to have originated in East Africa, and spread to Asia and Europe before reaching West Africa, and then the Caribbean and South America.
The findings are based on a genetic analysis of different strains of the bacterium which causes leprosy.
The international study, led by the Pasteur Institute in Paris, is published in the journal Science.

It is hoped the findings will help public health experts better understand how leprosy is spread - and thus track the disease more effectively.

Better understanding of the genetics of the disease might also help improve treatment, as it could enable doctors to pin down whether a patient has a new infection, or a recurrence of a previous infection.

One of the oldest known human diseases, leprosy is still a significant problem in parts of the developing world. Around 500,000 new cases were detected in 2003.
Caroline Ash, senior editor at Science, said: "The better we can understand this pathogen's genome and the subtle differences among its various strains worldwide, the better position we will be in to ultimately eliminate the disease."

Definition of "Trade Secret" (Mandatory)

The following is a reprint of the "Restatement of Torts" section 757, comment b (1939):
b. "Definition of trade secret." A trade secret may consist of any formula, pattern, device or compilation of information which is used in one's business, and which gives him an opportunity to obtain an advantage over competitors who do not know or use it. It may be a formula for a chemical compound, a process of manufacturing, treating or preserving materials, a pattern for a machine or other device, or a list of customers. It differs from other secret information in a business (see s759 of the Restatement of Torts which is not included in this Appendix) in that it is not simply information as to single or ephemeral events in the conduct of the business, as, for example, the amount or other terms of a secret bid for a contract or the salary of certain employees, or the security investments made or contemplated, or the date fixed for the announcement of a new policy or for bringing out a new model or the like. A trade secret is a process or device for continuous use in the operations of the business. Generally it relates to the production of goods, as, for example, a machine or formula for the production of an article. It may, however, relate to the sale of goods or to other operations in the business, such as a code for determining discounts, rebates or other concessions in a price list or catalogue, or a list of specialized customers, or a method of bookkeeping or other office management.
"Secrecy." The subject matter of a trade secret must be secret. Matters of public knowledge or of general knowledge in an industry cannot be appropriated by one as his secret. Matters which are completely disclosed by the goods which one markets cannot be his secret. Substantially, a trade secret is known only in the particular business in which it is used. It is not requisite that only the proprietor of the business know it. He may, without losing his protection, communicate it to employees involved in its use. He may likewise communicate it to others pledged to secrecy. Others may also know of it independently, as, for example, when they have discovered the process or formula by independent invention and are keeping it secret. Nevertheless, a substantial element of secrecy must exist, so that, except by the use of improper means, there would be difficulty in acquiring the information. An exact definition of a trade secret is not possible. Some factors to be considered in determining whether given information is one's trade secret are: (1) The extent to which the information is known outside of his business; (2) the extent to which it is known by employees and others involved in his business; (3) the extent of measures taken by him to guard the secrecy of the information; (4) the value of the information to him and his competitors; (5) the amount of effort or money expended by him in developing the information; (6) the ease or difficulty with which the information could be properly acquired or duplicated by others.
"Novelty and prior art." A trade secret may be a device or process which is patentable; but it need not be that. It may be a device or process which is clearly anticipated in the prior art or one which is merely a mechanical improvement that a good mechanic can make. Novelty and invention are not requisite for a trade secret as they are for patentability. These requirements are essential to patentability because a patent protects against unlicensed use of the patented device or process even by one who discovers it properly through independent research. The patent monopoly is a reward to the inventor. But such is not the case with a trade secret. Its protection is not based on a policy of rewarding or otherwise encouraging the development of secret processes or devices. The protection is merely against breach of faith and reprehensible means of learning another's secret. For this limited protection it is not appropriate to require also the kind of novelty and invention which is a requisite of patentability. The nature of the secret is, however, an important factor in determining the kind of relief that is appropriate against one who is subject to liability under the rule stated in this Section. Thus, if the secret consists of a device or process which is a novel invention, one who acquires the secret wrongfully is ordinarily enjoined from further use of it and is required to account for the profits derived from his past use. If, on the other hand, the secret consists of mechanical improvements that a good mechanic can make without resort to the secret, the wrongdoer's liability may be limited to damages, and an injunction against future use of the improvements made with the aid of the secret may be inappropriate.

Fair trade

Fair trade is an organized social movement and market-based approach to empowering developing country producers and promoting sustainability. The movement advocates the payment of a fair price as well as social and environmental standards in areas related to the production of a wide variety of goods. It focuses in particular on exports from developing countries to developed countries, most notably handicrafts, coffee, cocoa, sugar, tea, bananas, honey, cotton, wine, fresh fruit and flowers.
Fair trade's strategic intent is to deliberately work with marginalized producers and workers in order to help them move from a position of vulnerability to one of security and economic self-sufficiency. It also aims at empowering them to become stakeholders in their own organizations and actively play a wider role in the global arena to achieve greater equity in
international trade. Fair trade proponents include a wide array of international development aid, social, religious and environmental organizations such as Oxfam, Amnesty International, Catholic Relief Services, and Caritas International.
In 2007,
Fair trade certified sales amounted to approximately €2.3 billion (US $3.62 billion) worldwide, a 47% year-to-year increase.[1] While this represents a tiny fraction of world trade in physical merchandise,[2] fair trade products generally account for 1-20% of all sales in their product categories in Europe and North America.[1] In June 2008, it was estimated that over 7.5 million disadvantaged producers and their families were benefiting from fair trade funded infrastructure, technical assistance and community development projects.[1]

Trade Secret

Definition: Trade secrets are information that companies keep secret to give them an advantage over their competitors. The formula for Coca-Cola is the most famous trade secret.
Trade secrets are not protected by intellectual property law the same way that trademarks or patents are. Protection for trade secrets is done by non-disclosure, the information must be kept confidential.
Companies often use
non-disclosure agreements (NDA) to keep their trade secrets safe. Employees often have to sign an NDA.

International trade and tariff data

Statistics Database
Interactive access to the most up-to-date WTO trade statistics (opens in a new window)
All tables from the World Tariff Profiles 2006 publication are now included in the Statistics Database.
International Trade Statistics, 2007
Annual publication including detailed analysis and tables for 2006 (leading traders, trade by sector and product, regional trade, LDCs, etc.).
Comprehensive tariff data
The bound and applied tariff for all members at the standardized Harmonized System 6-digit subheading level are available for download.
Inter-agency activities
> Inter-agency Task Force on Statistics of International Trade in Services> Inter-agency Task Force on International Merchandise Trade Statistics> Inter-agency Common Data Set: a joint online database on total merchandise trade provided together with useful documentation> Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services> Measuring Trade in Services — A training module
> The Millenium Development GoalsInter-agency website coordinated with ITC and UNCTADMDG Goal 8: Market Access Indicators for LDCs


Trade is the willing exchange of goods, services, or both. Trade is also called commerce. A mechanism that allows trade is called a market. The original form of trade was barter, the direct exchange of goods and services. Modern traders instead generally negotiate through a medium of exchange, such as money. As a result, buying can be separated from selling, or earning. The invention of money (and later credit, paper money and non-physical money) greatly simplified and promoted trade. Trade between two traders is called bilateral trade, while trade between more than two traders is called multilateral trade.
Trade exists for many reasons. Due to specialisation and division of labor, most people concentrate on a small aspect of production, trading for other products. Trade exists between regions because different regions have a
comparative advantage in the production of some tradable commodity, or because different regions' size allows for the benefits of mass production. As such, trade at market prices between locations benefits both locations.
Trading can also refer to the action performed by
traders and other market agents in the financial markets.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

International Trade Networks, 2001

These four “maps” reveal network patterns of world trade in goods in 2001 at four different thresholds. The colored boxes represent countries, clustered in selected regional trade alliance groupings. The green lines show trade relationships between countries for an aggregate of all traded commodities and products. Lines in the multi-color central circles show inter-regional trade; lines in the single-color peripheral circles show intra-regional trade. The thickness of the line indicates the relative dollar value of the trade relationship, with thicker lines representing larger dollar values. Reading from left to right, the first image shows all trade links, the second shows the largest links that cumulatively account for 75% of the total value of world trade, the third shows the largest links accounting for 50%, and the last shows 25%. Together, these four maps illustrate many aspects of the network patterns of world trade. Perhaps the most striking feature is the extreme concentration of value among a small number of countries. Underlying data are from the World Trade Analyzer. Software used to produce images is NetMap Visualizer.

Exporting for African Businesswomen

International Trade Environment
Understand how the world is changing through globalisation and the impact that this can have on your company.• Learn about the benefits, risks and challenges of international trade and the questions that you should ask when considering exporting.• Be more aware of the rules, regulations and international trade agreements governing global markets and how they can affect your export activities. • Know what sources of information to consult in order to stay informed about the current domestic and international trade environment.

Global Value Chain
Understand what a value chain is.• Understand what influence value chains have over the enterprise.• Learn how to minimise the impact of value chains on the enterprise and turn the enterprise’s participation in a value chain to its advantage.

Information and Communication Technology
Have a better idea of the role that Information Technology plays in today’s world.• Understand how various types of software can be used to increase your productivity.• Have explored the benefits of using the Internet.• Gain a better understanding of the important elements in establishing a web presence.• Have gained new insights as to how to apply IT to your organization.

An introduction to the importance of trade for the UK within the global economic system

Open economy:-
The UK is an open economy and a rising share of output is exported overseas and a growing percentage of AD is satisfied by imports of goods and services. The UK currently is the world’s 8th largest exporter of goods and the 2nd largest exporter of services. In terms of capital flows, Britain has the highest ratio of inward and outward investment to GDP of any leading economy.
Over time, it is inevitable that the pattern and balance of trade in goods and services changes, reflecting shifts in comparative advantage and movements in relative prices of traded products in many international markets. The pattern of trade is also affected by the economic growth and development of particular countries or regions and by the foreign investment decisions of UK and overseas companies.
The majority of UK trade in goods and services is with our partner countries within the European Union. There has been a long-term shift in our trade with EU since the UK joined the EEC in January 1973. The growth of trade has been encouraged by the Single Market which has led to trade creation and trade diversion effects.
The share of UK trade with North American countries has declined, but the United States remains the largest single export market accounting for 15% of total UK exports. Trade with oil exporting countries has fallen in relative importance over the last fifteen years In 1979, 10% of UK exports went to oil exporting countries, this has now declined to just over 3% as has the share of imports from these countries.
The other significant change in the geographical pattern of trade for the UK is an increasing share of trade with emerging economies in Asia including China, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand. The growth of the Indian economy should also help to boost exports to the sub-continent in the years to come, providing that UK businesses take advantage of the export opportunities available there

International Trade

The rapid pace of globalisation and changes in the global trading system present new opportunities and challenges for developing countries.

In particular, the need has never been greater for these countries to gain access to the markets of the United States, Europe and Japan and trade their way out of poverty.
A key part of this is assisting developing countries improve their understanding of international trade rules and regulations and helping them strengthen their effectiveness and participation in WTO negotiations. This is achieved by providing policy advice on international trade developments, the WTO, ACP/EU relations and regional economic integration.

The law offices of John E. Chaffin and Associates

The law offices of John E. Chaffin and Associates located in San Marcos, California, north of San Diego, focuses on International Trade, Customs and Duties, CARB compliance, Immigration, Business, Corporate, Labor and Employment Law. The firm provides cost effective representation and services specializing in small to medium size businesses.
The attorneys in the firm have extensive industry, international trade and business experience. Our goal is to make available to the small and medium sized firms professional legal services normally reserved for the large clients.
Consider us your "in-house counsel" without having to increase your employee roles.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Volume of InternationalTrade

International trade affecting our stateis still growing, perhaps faster than ever, driven by turn of the century expansion of internationaltrade around the globe.

International tradein Washington, the U.S. and the world has grown dramatically over the past 20 years. National and regional economiesare now linked around the world; food is shared between different climates and cultures, manufacturers have factories, suppliersand customers in multiple countries, and consumers purchase goods from all over the world by just walking to their local supermarket.

Over the last five decades, world economic integration has occurredat a rapid pace. Since 1950, world trade has almost doubled the average annual growth rate of world Gross Domestic Product(GDP) (World Bank, 2003).[1] This trend has been reinforced by long-term trends toward freer trade and reduced protectionismby many leading national economies, including the United States. As the world’s largest economy and the largestparticipant in international trade, the U.S. is critically linked to thesetrends.

The two graphs below show the growth of U.S. and Washington Stateinternational trade since 1980.

International Trade Fall 2006

Course Description:-

This course is an introduction to the theory of international trade and finance with applications to current policy issues. In this course we will cover the basic tools to understand what determines the flow of goods across countries, i.e. international trade, and what determines the flow of savings and investments from one country to another, i.e. international finance. We will also cover applications to a number of topics of current interest, including the debate on globalization, free trade agreements, the U.S. current account deficit, the medium run prospects for exchange rates, European integration, and the debate on global financial architecture following the financial crises in East Asia and Argentina.

Recommended Citation:-
For any use or distribution of these materials, please cite as follows:
Guido Lorenzoni, course materials for 14.54 International Trade, Fall 2006. MIT OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].

World Of Stock

Money Flying Around The Globe Conceptual 3D Illustration International Trade Company Global Corporation Business International Online Shopping Capital Turnover Globalization Investment In Environment Foreign Capital Circulating Capital International Econo Stock Photo

Candles Can Paint A Story of Wild Activity 26 Hrs Later

In the next several hours, the Dollar recovers. Another opportunity to break even or even close the position with a gain presents itself. However, price action becomes quite volatile as can be seen from the large candlesticks and shadows. This point is the last time we will have a chance to break even for a long time, even though we can't know this at the present moment.
The current candle, along with the previous one, tells a story of how the market behaved during that time. At first the pair was heading upwards, moving past 119.25. At that point the pair's bears sold en masse and brought the pair down below 118.95. At this low point the pair's bulls bring the pair back up ending the candle at 119.10. The final half hour follows a similar pattern. The back and forth action here means that a trader will have to be skilled in order to exit correctly.